The studio has extensive experience in the conservation and repair of all forms of ironwork and architectural metalwork, including:
  • Decorative wrought-iron gates, screens and garden furniture.
  • Cast-iron sculpture and garden ornament.
  • Wrought and cast-iron fireplaces, fire furniture and utilitarian objects.
  • Historic door and window furniture, and other domestic fittings.
  • Weathervanes and fine architectural detail.
  • Industrial sites and military installations.
The preservation of historic paint finishes and leaf gilding is an important aspect of the conservation of most ironwork and so we also undertake the sampling and analysis of remaining original paint schemes. This enables us to then match the original paint for retouching or repainting in the correct paint types and colours. Advice can also be provided in the form of specifications for repairs and decoration on projects to be undertaken by traditional blacksmiths where a conservation input is a requirement.

The leaf gilding of both interior and exterior metalwork is a common form of decoration. The studio is well practiced in oil gilding, using both loose and transfer leaf.